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Transforming CO2 into a resource

Scientists at MATGAS, a non-profit making interest group, are working to transform CO2 into a resource. This gas can be used for water treatment, to obtain polymers or value added materials, to preserve food, to extract selected compounds from food or to clean microchips.

All you need to know about CO2 Capture: “C02 as a resource” is a book written by Lourdes Vega, CSIC scientist and nowadays manager at MATGAS. In the book she explains almost every aspect about CO2 capture and its industrial use.(This is an English brief adaptation of the original article in Spanish) If there is something that there will be in excess in the future it is CO2, one of the main greenhouse gases. One way of fighting its global warming effect is to partially avoid CO2 emissions. Is it possible to capture CO2 emissions, to store and transform them? Can be applied the gas in other industrial processes afterwards? The answer is yes, although it implies many technological goals.

This is one of the main research lines of MATGAS laboratories, where they are working to transform CO2 into a resource. This gas can be used for water treatment, to obtain polymers or value added materials, to preserve food, to extract selected compounds from food or to clean microchips. MATGAS is a non-profit making interest group dedicated to meet R+D demands in the field of materials and gases.

It was founded by three partners: the company Carburos Metalicos, as a member of the international group Air Products, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).