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Men telecommuting are more involved in household tasks and childcare

A research by IAE-CSIC and the University of Barcelona reveals that workers are ready to accept a reduction of up to 10% of their salary to work from home. The results also show that both men and women value telecommuting positively as it allows them to reconcile personal and family life.

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The new asymmetry in policy interest rates

R+D CSIC 30 years

In 2009, researchers at the CSIC's Institute of Economic Analysis (IAE) explained to R+D CSIC the dynamics of banks and monetary policy in the context of the 2008 crisis. What has changed since then?

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Did transhumance exist during the Iron Age?

During the Iron Age, between the 8th and the 1st centuries BC, materials such as ceramics, brooches and amphorae circulated widely through Europe, crossing hundreds of kilometers, mainly by sea. Recent research in Catalonia and Southern France suggests that cattle mobility was not linked to this commercial circuit, which was instead focused on luxury goods, as researchers Silvia Valenzuela and Ariadna Nieto explain.

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Researchers create a reference collection of cattle faeces for archaeological studies in Menorca

A study carried out by archaeologists in the island of Menorca materialises in the creation of a reference collection of faeces from bovine, ovine and porcine cattle. It will serve as a modern reference to contrast and study faeces rests found in archaeological excavations.

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The CSIC digitalizes and publishes more than 40 thousand centenarian documents of ethnographic interest

Technicians of the CSIC have digitized in 2019 the old surveys of the Catalonian Folklore and Ethnographic Fond, which forms part of the Tomàs Carreras i Artau Fond, kept in the Milá y Fontanals Institution, the humanities center of the CSIC in Catalonia. There are more than 40 thousand documents, with very valuable information for ethnographic studies, which are available for consultation on the website.

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