
Last updateWed, 03 Jul 2024 1pm

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Distinkt, a new ICN2, CSIC and UAB company, will commercialise high-security inks based on nanotechnology

The inks are based on nano and micro particles that change colour or fluoresce when irradiated with infrared light. They are dynamic and adaptable, therefore they can be customised to produce various results. The solution helps to combat counterfeiting of official documents, banknotes, luxury products and other goods.

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Oxolutia, a leading spin-off in superconductivity, grows

Oxolutia is a a technology-based company led by a research group of the Materials Science Institute of Barcelona (ICMAB) of the CSIC. Superconductivity can facilitate the development of advanced products for improving the energy efficiency and that can also avoid blackouts in the grid or enable new low cost solar cells.

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Crean un sensor que permite pesar átomos con una resolución inédita

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Los científicos han desarrollado un sensor de masa que tiene una resolución inédita hasta la fecha. Detecta masas cercanas a un zeptogramo, la milésima parte de la millonésima de la millonésima de la millonésima de un gramo, y permitiría detectar la masa de proteínas con resolución atómica o monitorizar reacciones químicas y nucleares a nivel molecular.

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Method for transforming mercury into a safe solid material patented

Spanish scientists at CSIC have patented a procedure for the safe and permanent storage of liquid mercury. The procedure allows transforming the liquid mercury into a solid material, a polymeric concrete that prevents mercury leaching into environment.

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El misterioso azul del románico catalán

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Un investigador del CSIC ha resuelto la estructura de la aerinita, el pigmento azul por excelencia del románico catalán. El descubrimiento no sólo puede permitir en el futuro obtener las diferentes coloraciones de este pigmento de manera controlada en laboratorio y ayudar en el ámbito de la restauración artística, sino que pone fin al misterio que rodeaba a la aerinita.

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