
Last updateWed, 03 Jul 2024 1pm

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Plants as antifungal factories

CSIC scientists at the CRAG, the IBMCP and the IATA centres, have demonstrated that plants can be used as antifungal factories, enabling a sustainable, safe and non expensive production of these antifungal proteins. The results of the research published in the Plant Biotechnology Journal could impact the pharmaceutical and agri-food industries.

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Seafood Tomorrow, a European project for improving seafood sector

SEAFOOD Tomorrow is a new European Union Horizon 2020-funded project aimed at developing sustainable solutions to improve the safety and dietary properties of seafood. A scientific team of the CSIC is involved in the project.

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Microwave oven prototype based on new ceramic material will be tested

The new ceramic material absorbs the 99% of the microwaves and transforms them into heat, which arrives to the food. Developed by the CSIC, the UPC and the spin-off Microbiotech, this material could enable the reduction of CO2 emissions of gas ovens in the food sector.

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PerformFISH, a project aimed at developing a Mediterranean sustanaible aquaculture

The Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) is part of PerformFISH, a new H2020 European project focus on developing consumer driven aquaculture production by integrating innovative approaches that can help ensure European sea bream and sea bass aquaculture businesses are sustainable and competitive.

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Tuna species substitution in the Spanish market: a knock-on effect

Scientists at the CEAB-CSIC have surveyed the tuna commercialized in Catalonia in order to find out if there are cases of species substitution. This is a widespread problem, together with the deficiency of labeling. It happens particularly with high-valued species and has negative effects on the market. DNA Barcoding techniques can help to establish routine controls.

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