
Last updateWed, 03 Jul 2024 1pm

LIFE Spot demonstrates the feasibility of a new low-cost treatment to denitrify groundwater

LIFE Spot demonstrates the feasibility of a new low-cost treatment to denitrify groundwater

The LIFE Spot project, aimed at developing innovative solutions for the denitrification of groundwat...

New varieties of beans and peas obtained by the CSIC in Galicia

New varieties of beans and peas obtained by the CSIC in Galicia

There is an increasing commercial demand for plant varieties resistant to climate change and disease...

Checking Ocean Health: Nutrient Analysis at the Institut de Ciències del Mar

Checking Ocean Health: Nutrient Analysis at the Institut de Ciències del Mar

The Chemistry Laboratory of the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) offers a Nutrient Analysis S...

Most read


Biology and biomedicine

Agro-food technologies

Three decades of agrigenomics research

Three decades of agrigenomics research

7 Months AGO

30 years of R+D CSIC

The cost of sequencing genomes is a million times less than it was just over two decades ago. The data is impressive. If in the...



Humanities and Social Sciences

New materials

Innovation and transfer

A new mechanism allows the CSIC to promote and participate in new spin-offs

A new mechanism allows the CSIC to promote and participate in new spin-offs

1 Months AGO

Last year, the CSIC launched a new procedure to promote and support the creation of knowledge-based companies (EBC in its Spanish acronym), accelerati...



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