
Last updateWed, 03 Jul 2024 1pm

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Artificial Intelligence for smarter sales

The CSIC’s Artificial Intelligence Research Institute collaborates with the start-up Enzyme Advising Consulting to develop the iKey Retail Performance software solution. iKey will assist companies to improve their sales processes.


The tool helps to improve the selling process in companies.The tool incorporates existing Artificial Intelligence (AI) software components created by scientists at the CSIC’s Artificial Intelligence Research Institute. These components can be adapted to different models and organization types.

In this case, Lissette Lemus from the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute says, “the tool targeted large retail organizations with geographically distributed chain stores, pursuing a greater control over their performance and a strategic development of their sales networks.”

The solution that will be commercialized by Enzyme Advising Group integrates cutting-edge organizational methodologies to analyze retail organizations at any level, from sales agents to higher management positions.

In order to accomplish this, the tool introduces key performance indicators for each organization (sales volume, quality, market share percentage) and action plans to be executed. Based on this data, AI algorithms automatically analyze the execution of action plans and identify how they impact on the key performance indicators. It also calculates store similarity and automatically analyses possible strategies that can lead to a store performance improvement.

The evolution of the key performance indicators, their relation with action plans, as well as the team executing them is registered and processed. Over time, the tool builds a best practice repository that allows the system to offer recommendations to be introduced in the organization following its strategic objectives.

The Project, partially funded by ACC10 and by Enzyme Advising Consulting, is an example of how Artificial Intelligence components could be used to solve complex problems. The Artificial Intelligence Research Institute offers several of these software components that can be adapted to create innovative applications in different industrial sectors and companies.