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RavalEsCiencia: the Raval, a 6000 years ago story

The citizens in Barcelona can know about their distant past through this scientific dissemination project.


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Eighth album from the collection 'Música Poética' (Poetic Music)

This joint project of the CSIC and Lauda Música is aiming at recovering musical heritage and rescue from oblivion many works found in libraries and archives throughout Spain.  The latest record is dedicated to Alonso Lobo, one of the masters of Renaissance.

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First evidence of spices used almost 7.000 years ago

Garlic mustard was used as a spice 7,000 years ago, as archeologists from England, Spain, Denmark and Germany found out.  The scientists have analyzed microfossils of  food deposits from pots found at three archeological sites: Akonge and Steno (Denmark) and Neustadt (Germany).

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Economic inequality, war and peace

Does economical inequality lead to social conflict?  Is it possible to measure the factors lead drive to conflict? Is it possible to develop tools to avoid or to minimize it? Scientists at the CSIC's Instituto de Análisis Económico (IAE) work to analyze the social factors that increase the probability and severity of social conflicts.

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Recovering Hernandez de Toledo's works

Historians at the Institución Milà y Fontanals are working to recover Francisco Hernandez’s works. Hernandez, who was a naturalist and physician in the Court of Philip II of Spain, is the author of the biggest compilation known of America’s fauna and flora.

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